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My favorite online furry comic is:

Edited by Aureth
Your rating: None
Kevin & Kell
9% (16 votes)
Suburban Jungle
2% (4 votes)
A Doemain of Our Own
2% (4 votes)
13% (24 votes)
The Class Menagerie
5% (9 votes)
Ozy And Millie
18% (34 votes)
West Corner of the Park
2% (3 votes)
Sabrina Online
16% (30 votes)
All of the above
6% (12 votes)
A comic not listed
27% (51 votes)
Votes: 187


Your rating: None Average: 5 (3 votes)

Whew! I gotta give you credit - this survey actually made me think, and I ended up mentally tossing a coin. ;)

Your rating: None Average: 5 (3 votes)

All wonderful comics, but Sabrina still holds first place in my heart!

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Yup, Sabrina Online is a favorite of many -- is it too late to add choices to the poll?

My faves are Kevin and Kell, Ozy and Millie, and Sabrina Online. And it would be difficult for me to choose one of these three as my singular favorite.

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Aureth, here....

Can't believe I forgot to list Sabrina Online. Hey, it was late when I posted the poll. ;) I fiddled with the databse, and added it in. Thanks for reminding me.

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My personal favourite's "Macropodia", by Kelvin. It's at A very bizarre, but deeply entertaining comic.

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dont forget SSDD -

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Satin & Silk!

Eesh, there are more skunk comics around y'know and that's been around since mid '98.

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I have to agree. Satin & Silk (and the other comics) are the first link I hit when I read my daily comics. Good art and storylines. Keeps me wondering what's next.

Your rating: None Average: 4.3 (3 votes)

I also like Unicorn Jelly:
*** Xanni ***

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Untitled! yos

Your rating: None

Honestly I don't really know what my favorite is. If I had to choose, though, it would probably be Twokinds. (if you don't know what that is I feel really bad for you-)

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