Ethan’s sleepover Part 1 It is a stormy fall day with heavy downpours. Ethan, a nearly 9-year-old Arctic fox kit, was playing with his little sister when his parents called him. They ask him what kind of party he wants for his birthday. "C-C-Can I have a sleepover with all of my friends?” Ethan stutters. “What fwiends?” his 2-year-old sister named Foxy teases. “Be nice to your brother," replies Mr Johnson, their dad. Then he turned back to Ethan and said, "Sure, that will work; you can invite eight friends. Who do you want to invite?” His mom, Ms Johnson asks. “Jake and Kyle from the daycare. And Jr. Calvin, Benjamin, and Daniël from school." Ethan replies unhesitatingly. “Are you sure that’s it?” Ms Johnson asks. “You can pick two more kids for your party." "Maybe Noah and Nathan, but I don’t want them to be mean to the other kids.” He explained. His parents assure him they will behave, and the list is complete. “Thank you, Mommy and Daddy; I’m going to make the invites,” Ethan said happily. “How about a diaper change first?” chuckles Ms Johnson. After a diaper change, Ethan starts making the invites. He uses coloured paper to create cards and folds them; he then starts decorating the cards. His two-and a-half-year-old sister checks on him. "Well, someone’s excited,” she says, noticing his adoptive brother’s excitement. “Uh-huh, I c-c-can’t wait.” He exclaims happily while wagging his tail. “Can you please take me to the post office so I can send these?” He asks while giving his sister puppy eyes. “The invites won’t arrive in time if you send them via post. Just give them to the kids yourself,” she explains. Then Mr Johnson checks his cards: “I’m impressed, If only you put this much effort into your homework.” He teases. “Hey, I do try my best for homework; I just find it hard, but I try my best,” he replies defensively. “I know, son, and I’m very proud of you.” His father replies as he hugs him. Part 2 Two weeks later, on a Saturday morning when Ethan and Foxy were playing, there was suddenly a knock. “I’ll open it!” Ethan shouts while opening the door. In front of them was a three-year-old snow leopard cub with his father, a Syrian brown bear. “Hello Kyle, hello Mr. Jones, come on in.” Greeted Ethan. "Hewwo, etha,” Kyle greeted as he hugged Ethan. Ethan’s parents also went downstairs, and the grown-ups caught up with each other in the hallway. "Congratulations, Ethan. I wish you the best this year.” Mr. Jones congratulates Ethan. “T-T-Thank you sir," Ethan stutters. After exchanging emergency contacts, Mr. Jones kissed his son goodbye: “Try to be a big boy for Daddy and behave.” “Okay, Daddy,” Kyle answers while hugging his dad. “And try to make it to the potty." His father added. “Okay, Daddy, I love you.” “I love you too, honey. Have fun.” After Kyle's father left, the kids went to play. They decided to build a block tower. “Do ya think we can build the tower to da moon?” Foxy asks. “Not to the moon, but maybe we can make it taller than you or Kyle,” Ethan explains to her. “Aww.” replies Foxy disappointedly. “We coulda been the first cubs in space.” “Nu-uh, space is scawwy.” Kyle replies, the idea alone startles him. “You twink evwyrything is scawy ou wittle baby!” Foxy complains. “This is why the other kids make fun of you.” “B-b-b-be nice, everyone is scared of something.” says Ethan to foxy “It’s okay, she always talks to me like that.” “Anyway, what are you scawed of?” asks Kyle curiously. “He’s still scawed of loud sounds.” Foxy chuckles. “Let's get building!” Ethan says, ignoring what his sister said. “Don change da subject!” Foxy chuckles. But Ethan and Kyle already got the blocks. They start building. They place the first few blocks and nearly finish. But when Kyle tries to place another block, he accidentally trips and falls, knocking over the tower. “Wook what you did, little baby.” Foxy scolds him angrily. “Be nice to him, he didn’t mean to make it fall over. “I-I’m sowwy.” reacts Kyle apologetically as he starts sobbing. “It’s okay; we know you didn’t mean to, it was a mistake, don’t cry. Ethan comforts him. “Maybe we can play with trains?” Ethan asks. “Yaaay!” Kyle and Foxy reply in unison. Part 3 They tidy up the blocks and start playing with the train set. They start building the railway and the houses around it. They are just finished when there is another knock on the door. Ethan's dad opens the door. At the door, there were four cubs, from eldest to youngest: Jr., a five-year-old brown bear, and his little brother Nathan, a four-year-old brown bear. As well as Noah, a three-and-a-half-year-old bunny, and Jake, a three-year-old orange tabby cat. Ethan’s dad greets them: “Hello kids, please come in."The kids take their shoes and coats off. “Thank you for inviting us, sir.” Jake thanked him. “It’s my pleasure,” he replies. The other kids also went to the living room. "Hello, Ethan, happy birthday,” Jr. congratulated him. “Thank you," replies Ethan, “how about we watch a movie?" “Maybe we should wait until the other kids arrive, then they don’t miss the movie.” Mr Johnson replies. “How about you guys play games?” “What do you guys think about playing Pictionary?” Ethan asks while preparing. “What is that?” Noah asks, confused. Ethan starts explaining: “It is a game, you have to draw something and the rest has to guess what you make before the timer goes off. If you guess correctly you get a point and are the next one to draw.” “Who wants to draw first?” “me,meee!” Nathan yells excitedly. He immediately starts drawing. Kyle is quick to guess what it is: “Choo-choo, choo-choo!” “uh-huh.” Nathan nods. “Okay Kyle, You have a point, now it’s your turn to draw.” Mr Johnson explains. “Sir, I,I,I weally hafto go potty!” Kyle exclaims desperately. “Let’s go quick, does someone else need to go potty?” Mr Johnson asks. “Me too!” Jake exclaims. “Let’s quickly go to the potty then.” Part 4 Unfortunately for Kyle, he didn’t make it and he started flooding his pull-ups. They arrive in the restroom. “You can go first Kyle, I don’t have to go as bad.” offers Jake. “Well I- euh.” stammers Kyle. “Did you have an accident?" Mr Johnson asks. “I’m sowwy, pwease don't be mad.” Kyle sobs. Mr Johnson consoles him: “It’s okay, accidents happen but try to make it to the potty next time, okay?” “Okay.” Kyle nods. After Jake went potty and Kyle got changed, the boys went back to the game. Noah replaced Kyle’s spot. When he sees them, he asks: “What took you two so long, did Kyle have an accident again?” Kyle blushes, which immediately gives him away. “I knew it, you are still a wittle baby.” Kyle teases snarky. Jake defends Kyle: “Leave him alone, he just started potty training.” “plus everyone has plenty of accidents including you,” he adds. “No I don’t, I’m a big boy unlike you two wittle babies!” Noah lies. “Of course you are.” Jake replies disbelievingly. “Okay boys that is enough!” mr Johnson interrupts “unless you two want to go in time out” “No sir, we’re sowwy.” Jake and Noah reply nearly in unison. “Good, now Noah, apologise to Kyle!” “Sowwy for making fun of you Kyle.” Noah apologises while crossing his fingers behind his back. “It’s okay, fwiends?” Kyle offers. “Fwiends.” “All good? Now let’s continue with the game.”Mr Johnson says “Now, since no one could guess what Noah drew, and it was officially Kyle’s turn, I think it is fair that we let Kyle first.” Kyle starts drawing. Jr. tries to guess what he drew, “Is it a plane?” “Uh-huh, good job!” Kyle congratulates. “It’s your turn now.” Unfortunately, Jr. isn’t the best at drawing, and the other kids are struggling to guess what he is drawing” “Is it a train?” Jake guesses. “No.” “Bus!” Foxy yells. “Also no.” Then the time runs out: “It was a car!” Jr. shouts “Well it doesn't look like a car!” Nathan replies. “So who is next?” Kyle asks Suddenly there is a knock at the door. “Finally!” Ethan exclaims. “I’ll get it.” Part 5 The last kids arrive. In front of the door were three kids: Calvin, a seven-year-old weasel. Benjamin, an eleven-year-old lynx and Daniël, an eleven-year-old brown bear, and the older cousin of Jr and Nathan. “Happy birthday Ethan.” congratulates Benjamin. “Thank you ben.” “I hope you asked for a growth spurt for your birthday.” Daniël jokes while petting Ethan “Hey, you aren’t exactly the tallest person either.” responds Ethan “Anyway come on in.” Ethan leads them to the living room, where the other kids are. “Hey Ethan, where is your bathroom?” Calvin asks desperately, as he pees in his pull-ups which he tries to cover with his shirt. “I’ll show you.” Ethan replies. As he shows Calvin the way to the bathroom, he hears a faint hissing sound. “I just got changed, how am I wetting my diaper already?” he thinks “Here you go.” Ethan says as the two boys arrive in front of the bathroom. “Thanks.” Calvin rushes into the bathroom, his pull-ups soaked. Inside the bathroom, he notices that the stars on his pull-ups have faded away: “Five minutes and I already had an accident, I hope they don’t find out.” he thinks. He tears the sides of his wet pull-ups and throws it in the bin. He then looks in his bag for new undergarments. “Should I wear regular underwear or pull-ups, or a diaper?” he thinks “I can’t risk having another accident, I just have to hope no one sees my pull-ups.” he decides. Outside of the bathroom Ethan realises something: “My diaper is still dry, but where did that hissing sound come from?” He wonders “Does Calvin also wear…” Then Calvin exits the bathroom. “Hey Calvin, are you okay, You took a while?” Ethan askes bluntly yet concerned. “Yeah I had to go really badly.” Calvin half-lies “Well you shouldn’t hold it for so long, that is really bad for you! " Ethan warns. “I know, I won’t do it again.” “Good, now let’s join the party.” Ethan replied enthusiastically. Part 6 Jake is playing the final round of pictionary. Fortunately, he is better at drawing than Jr., and older kids are better at guessing, so the round ends quicker. “Is it a boat?” Daniël asks “Good Job you won.” Jake replies proudly “Okay, so it is a tie between Jake, Nathan and Kyle. You guys did a very good job.” Mr Johnson congratulated. “Now who wants to watch a movie?” Ms Johnson asks “Me-mee!” shouts the entire group nearly in unison “Okay, Well Ethan picked the Lion King, I’ll start the film and he’ll make popcorn. The movie starts. “This is the best movie ever.” Ben says “Ssssst.” shushes Daniël. “Sorry” Whispers Ben When Mufasa dies, Kyle gets scared and hugs Nathan, his older cousin, while sucking on his paci. Noah Immediately starts picking on kyle: “wook at da wittle baby, he is already crying and still needs his binky.” “Just leave him alone.” Jake is annoyed about his friend's behaviour. “Or what, is he going to cry like the witlle baby he is” Mocks Noah. “Leave my cousin alone or else!” Nathan threatens. “Or what?” “You’ll find out.” replies Nathan “Guys settle down.” Jr tries to calm them down “I’ll leave him alone if he doesn’t bully kyle.” Nathan responds Nathan hugs Kyle to console him. Suddenly he smells a strong ammonia smell. “Kyle, did you have another accident?” Nathan whispers. “You had another accident?!” Noah bursted out laughing. “All right, dats it!” Nathan stood up and approached Noah, but was stopped by Ms Johnson. “Mind explaining what is going on here!?” She asks furiously “Noah was picking on Kyle again.” Jake explained. “Yeah, He made fun of him being scared and of his paci.” Nathen added “Noah, is this true?” Ms Johnson interrogates “We were just playing.” Noah lies But didn’t you get a warning about this already?” “Yes ma’am” Noah replies “So that is a Time out for you” She says sternly “Yes Ma’am” “And Jake and Nathan, if somebody does something, you go to me or Mr Jackson, you don’t try to fight it yourself.” “understood?” “Yes Ms Jackson” reply the boys in unison Noah gets sent to the corner for time out. Mr Johnson approached Kyle: “Did you have another accident sweetheart?” “Yesimweallysowwyiwasweallyscawedandcouldntholditpweasedonbemad!...” bawled Kyle “It is okay, Accidents happen and I’m not mad.” he assured the leopard cub. “Did you have an accident Because you were scared?” Kyle nods. Part 7 After Kyle got changed and and Noah got out of time-out, the boys went back to the file “Hello wittle Baby, welcome back” jokes Noah “Woooow, you just got out of time-out and are already starting again.” commented Calvin. “Definitely not the smartest tool in the shed.” “I guess you don’t know him long enough, he always gets in trouble for bullying.” Jr. Explains. “Yes, even though his parents are really strict about bullying and punish him often, he doesn’t care.” Jake adds. “I got the popcorn, what happened when I was gone?” Ethan asks. “Noah happened.” Jake replies, annoyed. “Oh dear” Ethan says “You guys know I’m right here.” Noah snaps annoyed “We know, but it is important that you hear this, you need to stop bullying kids. would you like it if an older kid picked on you?” Calin Jr. explains “N-no.” Noah mutters. “Exactly, so why do you think Kyle likes to get picked on?” Noah remains silent. Finally he mutters: “I-i-im sowwy Kyle.” “Is okay.” Kyle accepts the apology. The kids continue watching the movie. Well, except for Foxy and Ben, who fell asleep. “Really, asleep again?” comments Daniël “I hope Ben stays dry.” Ethan says concerned “He’s wearing pull-ups, so he’ll be fine.” Daniel assures. “Who we really need to worry about is you.” He adds jokingly Ethan blushes. “I-i-i’m still dry.” He responds defensively. Ethan wakes Ben up after the film ends. “Good Ben, how are you?” “Is it morning already?” Ben asks, surprised. “No he’s just kidding, but you did sleep through the entire movie!” Calvin replies. “No I didn't, I just blinked for, eh very long.” “Yeah right.” Laughs Ethan “Kyle, Noah, Jake, Nathan, Calvin and Ben, could you guys come here?” Ethan’s mom asks. Part 8 “Why are we da only ones that have to go?” Nathan asks, confused. “Because we are the only ones that wear pull-ups.” Calvin explains. “Nuh-uh, I wear big kids undies.” Nathan reacts. “You do? Good job!” Calvin congratulates. “But they will try to make you use the potty often so you won’t have accidents.” Calvin further explains. “Ohh okay” Nathan says understandably. “But very good job, cause as you can see with me and Ben, not even big kids wear “big kid undies.” The kids arrive at the bathroom “Nathan, you’re in undies right, how about you use the potty while I check the other kids diapers?” “Okay Ms Johnson.” “Noah, Let me help you with your pants.” Ms Johnson suggests “B-b-but i don hafto go potty Ms.” “I doubt that, considering you didn’t use the potty the entire time you’ve been here, so will you let me help you or do you want to go back in time-out?” “All right.” Noah answers defeatedly. Ms Johnson pulls down Noah’s diaper, exposing his wet pull-ups. “Oh honey, did you have an accident?” she whispers Noah nods. “It is okay, I’ll change you in a moment.” Ms Johnson replies. She goes to Noah’s bag to get his supplies. Noah turns to Jake: “Don you dare tell da other kids!” He threatens. But Jake pays him no attention, since he’s too busy doing the potty dance: “Nathan, are you almost done?” “Why, are you having an accident in your diaper? Nathan Mocks. “I thought you were a big kid, nota wittle kitten.” “Not yet! Hurry up!” The orange kitten yells, his desperation increasing. “Ethan, can you take Jake to the upstairs bathroom so he doesn’t have an accident?” “All right.” Ethan answers while walking up to Jake. “Come on, let’s quickly bring you to the potty.” “O-okay.” Jake replies, feeling a bit of pee escaping. The 2 cubs went upstairs, Ethan encouraging Jake to hold it in. They are just at the door when Jake's body can’t hold it anymore. “I-I-I’m peeing.” He mutters. “Oh noes, You’ve been doing so well with potty training.” Ethan replies shocked. A large wet spot appears on his khaki shorts: “My pull-up leaked, I-I-Im weally sowy.” Jake cries. “It is okay, like you said everyone has accidents.” Ethan consoles him. “Do you want me to change you?” Ethan offers. Jake nods while continuing to sob. Ethan takes him to the changing table. “D-d-do you also get changed here?” Jake asks curiously “Not anymore, I’m too big for the changing table, so I get changed on a mat. Now wait here while I get your stuff from your backpack.” Ethan explains. A couple moments later, he appears again. He picks Jake up and lays him down on the changing table. Then he takes Jake’s wet shorts off and throws them into the laundry basket. “Are you doing okay?” Ethan asks, noticing that the kitten looks a little down. “Noah and Nathan are going to make fun of me.” Jake replies, still sobbing. “They’ve both gotten a warning already, I don't think they are that stupid. Ethan explains while tearing the sides of Jake’s pull-up. “We’re talking about the same Noah and Nathan right?” Jake replies, disbelieving what the older foxkit said Ethan chuckles at Jake’s reaction while wiping and powdering him. “I guess you’re right, but If they bully you, tell my parents and they will put an end to that.” Ethan then slides a new pull-up on Jake. “There, all done.” he says while picking Jake up and putting him on the ground. “Unfortunately, you didn’t bring a spare pair of pants, so you will have to walk around like this.” “Thank you.” Jake says while he hugs Ethan. “You’re welcome, now let’s wash our paws so we can go downstairs. Part 9 Ethan and Jake go downstairs, where they bump into Ethan’s mom and Benjamin. Mr Johnson notices Jake’s lack of pants. “Jake, did you have an accident?” She asks, already knowing the answer. The orange tabby nods. “I’m sowwy.” he says, on the verge of tears. “Ahh, it’s okay kiddo, accidents happen and I know you tried your best.” She consoles him. Then she turns to Ethan “thank you for changing him” “It’s okay, I didn’t want the other kids to see his wet pants and leaky pull-up.” Ethan explains. “Well that’s very nice of you” Ms Johnson says, While hugging her adoptive son. “Speaking of diaper changes, do you need one?” She asks. Ethan blushes, and nods his head. “Jake, you can join the kids in the living room while I change Ethan.” In the living room,the kids have finished using the bathroom and are Drawing and colouring. Jake also starts drawing. Moments later, Noah and Nathan realise that Jake is back, and they start picking on him. “Hewwo Jake.” Noah smirks. “Welcome back.” “H-h-hewwo noah.” Jake stutters nervously. “Did the wittle baby have an accident?” Nathan teases. “Am not a wittle baby.” Jake cries. “Well big kids don wet their pullup, and they definitely don leak.'' Nathan Continues. “W-well Noah also had an accident.” Jake admits. “Lies and slander!” Noah lies. “Yeah, you're lying to make yourself feel less bad!” Nathan defends his friend. Jake tries to ignore the comments and draws a picture for Ethan with the last coloured pencil remaining, a red coloured one. “I wan’t da red one” Nathan demands. “We can switch.” Jake offers. “Nuh-uh, the coloured pencils are for big cubs not for wittle kittens who piddle their pants.” “Leave him alone!” Daniël Defends him. Jake starts tearing up. “F-f-fine have da red coloured pencil!” He Yells. “Jake, I’ve finished drawing, so you can have mine.” Jr offers. “T-t-thank you Jr.” Jake replies gratefully. He continues drawing “Nathan, wook at what da wittle baby is drawing.” Noah jokes while snatching Jake’s drawing out of his paws. “Hey, give it back!” Jake cries out . “Leave him alone, he’s trying his best.” Defends Jr “No way you actually drew this.” Nathan laughs. “For who is it?” “F-f-for Ethan.” Jake replies softly Nathan rips the paper in half twice “Hey, thas not nice!” Jake starts crying. “Now why would you do that?” Calvin asks Dumbfounded “I’m doing him a favour, no way Ethan would want such an ugly drawing.” “At that moment, Ethan and his mother enter the room. “What is going on here?!” She asks angrily Part 10 “I’m still waiting, what happened?” “Well I ripped his drawing, but only because he scribbled over mine.” As he showed the drawing he prepared to get out of trouble with. “Don’t lie to me young man, I saw you scribble over it yourself. It isn’t even the same colour Jake had.” Replies Mr Johnson “NathanandNoahkeepakingfunofmeandtookthecolouredpencilandtearedydrawing!...” cried Jake. “I know Dear I saw it happen, but it's okay now. I’m here.” she consoles him as she pets his head “Now boys, What did me and Mr Johnson tell you about bullying?” “That it is vewy bad and you two will get very angry at us?” Nathan gulped. “And you’ll tell our parents?” Noah adds. “Exactly. Nathan, you’ll go in time-out for 5 minutes. Noah, since you already went to time-out once, you’ll spend longer.” She says sternly as she grabs the cubs’ paws. “Understood?” “Yes ma’am.” Both cubs reply as they get dropped off into different corners. Jake continues to look at the teared up pieces of his drawing. “I think you should still give it to Ethan.” Jr says. “I’m sure he would like it. “I d-d-don know, I don wan’t him to make fun of me.” Jake replies insecurely. “You’re da best drawer I know, Ethan will like it.” Kyle convinces him. Jake hugs him “Thank you, I’ll give it to him.” Ethan is folding an aeroplane when Jake approaches him: “Ethan, I made you a drawing.” The kitten says skittishly. “I-it is your teddy, but it didn't go well. “I-it looks wonderful, I’ll tape it together and then I’ll hang it on the fridge.” Ethan says, being very proud of the little cub. “Thank you.” he adds while hugging him. “So you weally like it?” Jake asks surprised “Of course I do silly.” Ethan Reacts. Part 11 As Noah and Nathan get out time out, the doorbell rings, the kids knowing what it meant. Mr Johnson brings the pizza boxes and cuts the pizza into slices. While The kids wait. “Easy kids, there is more than enough for everyone.” he says as he hands out plates to the kids. “Thank you Mr and Ms Johnson.” All the kids thank them. “It’s our pleasure.” They reply. After the kids have finished eating, they start preparing the sleeping arrangement. There is one pull-out sofa, and 2 inflatable mattresses “Foxy, do you want to sleep with the other kids or in your own bed?” Mr Johnson asks his daughter. “Can I sleep next to you and mommy? Foxy asks. “Okay, but only for tonight” Ms Johnson replies. “Hey kids, do you have any preferences with who you want to sleep next to” Mr Johnson asks. “Can I sleep next to Kyle?” Jake asks I think you can, does anyone else have a preference?” “Can I sleep next to daniël? Ben asks. I’ll see what I can do. A couple moments later, Mr and Ms Johnson have finished the sleeping arrangement. Jake, Kyle, Noah and Nathan will sleep on the pull-out couch, Daniël and Benjamin will sleep on one mattress, and Calvin, Ethan and Jr will sleep on the other. They then pull out the sofa and inflate the mattresses. Then it is all set up. “Daniël, can I ask something?” Ms Johnson asks. “Sure.” He replies to his godmother. “I purposefully placed Jr and Calvin next to Ethan, because they often have nightmares. She starts Explaining. “So if any of the other kids have trouble sleeping, can they sleep next to you?” She asks “Of course,” he replies. “Thank you.” Mr Johnson says while petting him. The other Kids are Looking for something to do. “What should we do next?” Ethan asks I don’t know, it's your birthday party “PILLOW FIGHT!!!” Benjamin yells And hits Ethan in the stomach. “Ow!” Ethan yelps. “Fine, but we have to play softer for the little kids.” He explains “YAAAH!!” all the kids cheer in unison. “Jr. Look, a bird outside the window!” Kyle yells. “Wait really?” Jr Looks before a pillow gets launched towards his face. “Hey, no throwing, only hitting.” “We already have an advantage since we’re older, so don’t make it harder for them.” Calvin explains “All right, but this one is mine now.” Jr laughs. Nathan smacks Noah hard. “Hey, you’re going to regret that!” “We’ll see about that.” Nathan says while looking for his next target. Daniël tries to hit Ben, but trips. Which made him vulnerable for more attacks. “Incoming!” Jr yells as he hits his older cousin in the neck. “Hey!” Daniël yells as he starts tickling Jr. “Stop! I’m peeing!” Jr giggles. “That’s what you wear diapers for right?” Daniël replies as he continues tickling him “Hey, has anyone seen Jake?” Ethan asks. “He's probably hiding because he had another accident.” Noah chuckles, which causes him to get hit by Foxy. “Be nice to him!” She yells. “Or should I count how many accidents you’ve had this week?” “N-no.” Noah replies embarrassed. Mr Johnson enters the room: “Hey kids, settle down. It’s getting late.” He orders. “Awww.” The cubs reply while tidying up. “You can do something else until it is bedtime, but no roughhousing!” He adds “Okay daddy.” Ethan replies. Ethan’s dad is just about to leave, when he notices Jake hiding behind the door. “Oh, hewwo sir.” Jake greets nervously. “Hey Jake, what’s wrong?” Mr Johnson asks the kitten. He then notices that the stars on his pull-up have faded. “I-I-I-I-I euh.” Stammert the orange kitten. He could hear laughter in the background “It’s okay, Accidents happen.” Ethan’s dad consoles him. “Let’s get you changed.” he comforts “Uhm sir…” Jr mutters. “Do you also need a diaper change?” Mr Johnson asks. Jr nods embarrassed. “Don’t worry, I know you can’t help it, let’s get you two changed.” Mr Johnson replies. Part 12 After Jake and Jr get changed, they join the rest of the group. Nathan makes a couple jokes at Jake’s expense, but quickly stops as the other kids threaten to tattle on him. The kids then get ready for bedtime. All but Nathan and Daniël change into Diapers. They then brush their teeth and get into bed “Goodnight Kids.” Mr and Ms Johnson wishes them while Mr Johnson carries foxy in his arms “Goodnight mommy and daddy.” Ethan replies. “Goodnight Mr and Ms Johnson.” The other kids reply afterwards. Ms Johnson leaves on a nightlight and they head off. “Tomorrow you’ll be nine, are you excited?” Daniël asks. “Uh-huh I can’t wait. Ethan replies. The kids slowly drift off to dreamland. First Jake and Kyle, followed by Nathan, Noah and Jr and lastly the older cubs. A couple hours later, Ethan wakes up to the sound of crying. He looks up and notices that Calvin is Awake. “Calvin, are you okay?” “I-I had a nightmare.” Calvin sobs. “And m-m-my diaper leaked, please don’t be mad.” He adds anxiously. “It’s okay, you’re safe.” Ethan consoles the scared weasel. “I’ll get my parents to help you clean up.” he adds. “Will I get into trouble?” Calvin asks, frightened. “Of course not.” Ethan comforts him. “If you want you can keep my teddy for tonight so you’ll feel safer. He adds, handing the weasel his plushie. “T-thank you.” Calvin replies gratefully. “I-It’s okay, I’ll be right back.” Ethan says. A couple moments later, Ethan comes back with his father. “Hey kiddo, what’s wrong?” Mr Johnson asks. “I had a nightmare, and my diaper leaked.” Calvin explains anxiously between sobs. “I’m sorry, please don’t be mad.” “It’s okay, I’m not mad. Let’s get you cleaned up.” he Comforts him. “Fortunately the sheets are still dry Mr Johnson takes Calvin to the bathroom. A few moments later they return, Calvin wearing only a Nighttime diaper. Mr Johnson then tucks him in. “Do you think you can fall asleep again?” Mr Johnson asks. “Y-yeah, I think so, thank you” Calvin replies. “It’s okay kiddo, Good night.” Ethan snuggles Calvin and licks his snout. “Do you feel better?” “Uh-Huh” Calvin replies, slightly less anxious. Part 13 The sun is shining through the windows, and the first cubs are awake “Happy birthday Ethan!” Jr congratulates him. The other cubs follow shortly. “Thank you guys.” Ethan replies. Then Ethan’s parents and sister Enter the room. “Good morning kids.” Mr and Ms Johnson greet. “Happy birthday Ethan!” His parents congratulate him as they hug and kiss him. “T-thank you.” Ethan says as he hugs them back. “Now let’s get you all ready for breakfast. Getting ten cubs ready isn’t an easy task, especially not when eight of them are in diapers. But after some time all the cubs are ready for breakfast. “Pancakes, my favourite! Thank you.” Ethan says gratefully. “You're welcome.” Ms Johnson replies as she puts a plate in front of All the kids. “Now try not to make a mess.” Mr Johnson asks, already knowing that it’s hopeless. The older kids and Jake do manage to succeed in this, but younger ones, and Nathan especially, manage to make a mess. After the cubs have finished eating and have tidied up, they play one final game, Hide and seek “Who will be the seeker?” Ethan asks. “Me, me, meee!” Jake shouts. Someone who can count to ten or higher?” Jr specifies. “I can do it.” Calvin offers. He starts counting. Nathan Hides in a closet. “He’ll never find me in here.” He thinks. Suddenly he notices the urge to pee. “I can hold it.” He says to himself. “I think so “Eighteen-nineteen-twenty! Ready or not, here I come!” Calvin Yells. He looks for the kids. Jr was discovered first behind the couch, because the dust made him sneeze. After that Noah, Kyle and Jake were discovered behind the curtains. Nathan was still hiding in the closet, as silent as a mouse. His desperation is increasing: “I can’t hold it much longer”. He tries to distract himself by peeking outside. More kids have been caught, Foxy hid underneath the table and Ben was behind the curtains at the other window. Three kids remaining Nathan is still trying to hold his pee: “I can hold it, Just a little bi-” He stops as he hears a hissing sound. He looks down and notices a rapidly growing spot on his pants. “No one can find out,” he thinks. Calvin finds the last Kids, Ethan and Daniël He tries to look for Nathan, but can’t find him. “Nathan, you can come out, I give up!” he yells. No reaction. “Nathan?” Calvin asks, confused why the Bear isn’t reacting. “There is one place where you haven’t looked yet.” Noah says. “No helping!” Jake yells. “I think I know what you mean.” Calvin replies as he opens the closet, and sure enough, Nathan is sitting in there. “Nathan, I already told you that you win, why are you still hiding?” Calvin asks. He then notices a wet patch on the bear’s trousers. “Did you-” “Yeah, I tried to hold it.” Nathan says while Toddling towards the rest. “It’s okay.” Ethan replies. You can ask my parents for a change. “O-okay.” Nathan waddles towards Mr Johnson. A couple moments later Nathen comes back after he got changed into new clothes. Noah laughs at his friend, but Jake immediately frowns at Him. “Don make fun of him, he can’t help it!” “Thank you, a-and sowwy for making fun of you yesterday.” Nathan says to Jake. “Is okay, you we’re right, You only have a couple accidents while I Have daily.” Jake replies. “Well you only three, so of course you have more accidents.” Nathan comforts him. The little kitten hugs the brown bear. Part 14 After hide and seek is finished. The first parents arrive to pick up their kids. Fortunately for the kids, the parents first chat, but after a while they still have to leave. “So Ethan, Did you like your birthday party?” His parents ask “Yes thank you for everything.” He replies gratefully as he hugs them. “Good ‘cause the next time that you’ll invite so many people to a party will be your wedding.” Mr Johnson jokes “You have high expectations!” Foxy jokes as well “Hey!”