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New Art Show Director Announced for Conifur

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Conifur Northwest is pleased to announce the appointment of Matthew Romanek, aka Shandower, as the 2001 Conifur Northwest Art Show Director. Matt will be taking over the reins from Rich Chandler who did a fantastic job for the first three years of our convention before deciding to move in a different direction.

Mr. Romanek has been a part of Conifur since 1999 running our registration services at the event and helping in keeping the various computer equipment up and running at the event itself. He has donated a lot of time and resources in the last several years and has proven himself an asset to the convention. We are quite pleased to have him on board as our Art Show Director. Matt has come from a background as a network professional supervising the design and installation of networks with clients and maintains a high quality of professionalism in everything he does. In just one week since he was tapped on the shoulder for this position, he has already created a very detailed plan on running the art show and has most of the procedures mapped. He's very open to suggestions and has a lot of innovative ideas that will be implemented into the art show itself.

If you have any questions or comments for the Conifur Northwest 2001 Artshow Director, feel free to contact him directly at:

Conifur NW Artshow

PMB 256

700 NW Gilman Blvd. E-103

Issaquah, WA 98027


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