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Upcoming Furry Comics for July

Edited by crossaffliction as of Sun 25 May 2014 - 23:41
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Sent in by Doodles: "Well, this _has_ been a weekend, hasn't it? Enough about wailing and gnashing of teeth. May's catalog is coming and there's lots of crunchy goodness for all as the publishers get their act in gear for ComicCon International. There's some new titles this month, and lots of old ones. So much for saving up for college. =};-3"A quick reminder: This Saturday is Free Comics Day. Head to your local dealer and see what they have. I recommend the Donald Duck Adventures book. It's a Carl Barks story that was part of a freebie given out in the 50's called "Maharaja Donald."

pg 24

Hell #1 - $2.99 - order #MAY030017
This is a new title, written by Brian Augustyn, and with art by Todd Demong and Tim Kane. A young boy finds out that the secret to his father's disappearance a decade ago lies on an island called Hell, populated by strange manbeasts. The artwork samples from this are very angular, chock full of the verdant and muted greens of the deep jungle. This could be a winner, folks.

Usagi Yojimbo #68 - $2.99 - order #MAY030032
Meanwhile, always a winner is Stan Sakai's rabbit ronin, and this issue, the completion of the "Sumi-e" storyline, promises to be one of his best. As Jotaro leads an escape from the clutches of the mad artist, Usagi must use his own imagination to conjure up a way to fight off a stone warrior brought to life.

pg 97


Looney Tunes #104 - $2.25 - order #MAY030206

Scooby-Doo #74 - $2.25 - order #MAY030207
A salute to the classic Scooby villains. With one finger, I hope.

pg 99

Thundercats: Dogs of War #2 - $2.95 - order #MAY030219
The War Dogs have wrecked New Thundera, and they refuse to fetch or play dead, too. Maybe Mumm-Ra's School of Obedience Through Terror will help.

pg 100

Tom Strong's Terrific Tales - $2.95 - order #MAY030226
Lots of good fun with Johnni Future is the order of the day.

pg 248


Fancy Froglin Volume 1: Sexy Forest - $12.95 (SC) or $24.95 ( signed HC)Order #'s MAY031909 & 1910
MATURE READERS This is the story of a cute little frog who has a problem: He's got a constant case of priapism. In this book, he shows how much he loves the bunnies.

pg 253


Gold Digger Volume 11 Pocket Manga - $12.95 - order #MAY031964

pg 326


Tall Tails Thieves Quest #12 - $4.95 - order #MAY032197
The two Ravenwood groups split up, one to chase the Rats and one to deal with the Earl. It's sad farewells all around.

pg 335


Alice in Sexland Extreme #6 - $3.50 - order #MAY032246
ADULTS ONLY The trio finally get to see the Queen of Hearts. Don't they all look cute in their new leather outfits? And look! Here's a whole flock of fellows who want to show their appreciation. Are they going to be sore in the morning...

pg 336


Uncle Scrooge #320 - $6.95 - order #MAY032259
Cover and primary story by William Van Horn, with other work by Carl Barks, Carl Falberg & Romano Scarpa, and Geoffrey Blum & Daniel Branca.

Donald Duck Adventures #1 - $7.95 - order #MAY032260
Donald in "The Deep," Uncle Scrooge in "End of Days" and Mickey Mouse in "Panicking Pachyderm." Cover by William Van Horn

Walt Disney's Comics & Stories #635 - $6.95 - order #MAY032261
Don Rosa brings back The Three Caballeros in this book, which also sports a cover by him illustrating the tale. It also contains a Barks story, "Hound of the Morning Hills" that's illustrated by Daan Jippes based on Barks' layouts.

pg 342


Vic & Blood Previews Exclusive - $29.95 - order #MAY032298
This is the only volume to collect all of Harlan Ellison's illustrated "Vic & Blood" stories, famous from the movie "A Boy and His Dog." With art by Richard Corben, Vic is a young boy and Blood his telepathic dog companion, wandering across a post-apocalyptic world. Includes a special illustration created especially for this volume and signed plates by both author and artist.

pg 349

Dungeon #7 - $2.95 - order #MAY032342
The treasure has to be protected, so Herbert and Marvin are tasked with the job. Next time, call Pinkertons.

pg 355


Saiko and Lavender Vol. 1 TPB - $14.99 - order #MAY032381
Collects the five-issue miniseries of cat girl mage Lavender and her rabbitpartner Saiko by Michael Vega and Diana X. Sprinkle.

Furrlough #127 - $2.99 - order #MAY032382
More "Tales of Marga" by Thor Thorvaldson, "Ebin and May" by Hansom & Garcia, shorts by David Goodman and David McGuire, with cover by Heather Bruton

Hit the Beach 2003 - $4.99 - order #MAY032383
Radio's annual swimsuit issue features works by your favorite artists, and this issue is no exception. Among those featured this year are Joe Rosales, Megan Giles, Trump, Diana X. Sprinkle, Michael Vega, Daria McGrain, Terrie Smith, Phil Morrisey, John Barrett and Christina Hanson, with more names added all the time.

pg 356


The Collected Mighty Tiny: Tales of the Old Empire V 1 - $9.95 - order #MAY032402
First volume in the collected series by Ben Dunn.

pg 357


Furry Ninja High School Strikes Back #1 - $4.99 - order #MAY032404
A festival is planned for Jerry Anterson, Anna Feeple gets a vampire as a new tenant and Sammy is still trying to get Jeremy to kiss her and break the curse. meanwhile, somewhere in the woods, little Timmy is trapped in a well...

The Iron Star Novel - $19.95 - order #MAY032405
ADULTS ONLY An illustrated novel by Brock Hoagland with cover by Terrie Smith and illustrations by various. At a time when gods and goddesses walked among mortals, a fiery object from the sky falls to ground. And a young barbarian cougar named Brennus gets caught up in the battle to posses this Iron Star.

pg 367


Tokyo Mew Mew Volume 3 GN - $9.99 - Order #MAY032477
I don't remember if I've covered this manga by Mia Ikumi and Reiko Yoshida before. Young Ichigo finds herself an unlikely heroine when her genes are fused with that of a wildcat, and she becomes part of a team fighting off an
alien invasion. The first issue should be out on the stands this month, so take a peek.

pg 372

None of the following items would be considered particularly furry. But as I say time and again, who cares when it's this good?

Excel Saga Volume 1 - $9.95 - order #MAY032506 by Rikdo Koshi. Il Pallazo, head of the supersecret organization Across, plots to take over the city of Fukuoka, Japan. However, he has only one underling, a psychotic young girl named Excel. This series is the basis for the incredibly twisted anime of the same name, and is a must-have if only
for the amount of sheer laughs packed per issue. I'll have the Menchi on the Half Shell, please.

Castle in the Sky Vols 1, 2 & 3 GNs - $9.95 each - order #'s MAY032507 through 2509
The manga of Hayao Miyazaki's masterpiece comes to the US, telling the tale of a young girl with a mysterious necklace, and the orphan boy Pazu who helps her find out the truth while fighting off greedy pirates and shadowy secret agents. You want this. Yes, you in the fox tail going "Yiff" all the time. Get your head out from between that guy's legs and get this book!

That's it for this month, gang! See you in 30! This message will be cross-posted to Flayrah within 48 hours.


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