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Newsbytes archive for October 2023

Edited by dronon as of Mon 6 Nov 2023 - 08:18
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Contributors this month include 2cross2affliction, dronon, GreenReaper, and Rakuen Growlithe.

2cross2affliction: Tux the cat has been recovered after his story of being driven off and apparently abandoned by a Lyft driver went viral earlier this week. To their credit, Lyft "investigators" found the lost cat, and the company is footing Tux's vet bills.

GreenReaper: Campaign of "gay furry" hackers against US states refusing gender-affirming treatment leads to leak of documents from NATO Learning Management System portals.

GreenReaper: After an extended hiatus, furry gaming news site Gaming Furever is back in action and has an expanded link block in our front page footer. We've also added Singaporean furry news service Global Furry TV, which recently celebrated its 9th anniversary, and the Taiwanese Fur Times - 獸時報! 🌏

GreenReaper: Idaho's Lakeland School District: "We absolutely don't do furries." - Lakeland High School: "Hawk Pride!" *giant hawk in gym and profile pic*

dronon: It's time for the 2023 Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards!

dronon: Revenant Hill will be the next game from the Night in the Woods developers, featuring a similar-looking (but different) cat, and may have farming sim elements. [tip: Tempe O'Kun]

dronon: Check out the animated trailer for Infurnity 2023, in Taiwan!

dronon: Dating websites and Furry forums: The volunteer army of online investigators who helped the FBI track down January 6 perpetrators.

2cross2affliction: Hazbin Hotel's voice cast has been announced (Keith David as Husk!) and a preview of the show's theme tune has been released at New York Comic Con.

GreenReaper: It came from China: the furry-pawed mitten crab are "eating us out of house and home" - with UK plans to catch them to research their impact as they climb over weirs.

GreenReaper: Fun findings while training an AI to play Pokémon Red.

Rakuen Growlithe: Germany wants to make it easier to kill wolves.

2cross2affliction: If you're still playing Pokémon Go through Halloween, Vulpix is a dracula! [2022 article]



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I kind of fucked that last one up ... but really I just wanted to write the phrase "Vulpix is a dracula" and that was factually correct.

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The best kind of correct! 👨‍💻

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