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Four Legs Good

Edited by GreenReaper as of Tue 5 Mar 2024 - 07:03
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We came across a brand-new comic from Boom! Studios called Animal Pound. It goes like this: “When animals grow tired of being caged, killed, and sold off-it’s only a matter of time before they’ve had enough… When an uprising puts a pound in control of the animals, they quickly find themselves as comrades, united against everything that walks on two legs. But with this newfound power comes a sudden challenge: how best to lay the groundwork for this new democracy as they write their first constitution!” Written by Tom King (Love Everlasting) and illustrated by award-winning artist Peter Gross (The Books of Magic), Animal Pound comes to comic shops later this week.

image c. 2023 Boom! Studios


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A few years earlier another publisher (Ablaze) published Animal Castle, which is another series inspired by Orwell's Animal Farm.

Animal Castle:
Animal Castle Vol. 2:

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Indeed, In-Fur-Nation covered that in April 2022.

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