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Anthrocon 2003 Charity Auction Information (2/03)

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Anthrocon 2003 is coming soon! The charity for Anthrocon 2003 is Support Our Shelters (, a ferret rescue organization. You can read more about them in the Charity Auction FAQ on the Anthrocon website ( in the FAQs section. If you would like to participate by donating merchandise, artwork, or legal services to the Anthrocon Charity Auction, follow the steps below:

1. Visit Anthrocon 2003's homepage for convention details ( 3. Contact me at to confirm your participation or to sign onto the informational mailing list.

Once signed up, you will be added to a mailing list which will receive information about the Charity Auction up through contime, how to donate, and how the Charity Auction will work.

If you have any questions about the Anthrocon 2003 Charity Auction, you can also send them to for a prompt reply.

Hope to hear from you!


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SOS is a great and longstanding ferret welfare org, and they do a lot of good work. They're a central fund to help ferret shelters, especially with emergency funds.
One of their regular events is the SOS card exchange on the Ferret Mailing List. It raises hundreds of dollars every time it's done (for about 8 holidays) and it's a load of fun!
I'm really glad to hear they're the chosen charity for Anthrocon :)

Melissa "MelSkunk" Drake

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The HTML in this post has been botched. The corrected text is here:

1. Visit Anthrocon 2003's homepage for convention details
2. Review the latest draft of the Anthrocon 2003 Charity Auction rules
and regulations on the Anthrocon webpage in the Events/Charity
Auction/"rules" link. You can also view the FAQ at the web address
listed above.
3. Contact me at to confirm your participation
or to sign onto the informational mailing list.

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