Anthrocon Hotel

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From Samuel Conway on regarding Anthrocon's hotel: "Here I got us a humongous hotel that I thought would be more room than
we would ever need, and I was informed today that it's approximately
80% full for Friday and Saturday.

It kinda reminds me of when I bought that 400 MB hard drive.

Don't wait TOO long to make your reservations!"

New furry supplement to BESM RPG system

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Guardians of Order, a Canadian gaming company, recently released a supplement to their tongue-in-cheek anime RPG system Big Eyes, Small Mouth, named, appropriately enough, Big Ears, Small Mouse.

Based on the old toon conventions world of small, sentient mice, bugs and tiny critter toons fighting cats and other big baddies, this sounds like another fun gaming system for furries who like their games more toony, and sounds like a good variation from the current crop of more serious, fantasy based furry role play games offered.

I have yet to try it, but it sounds like a whole bunch of fun.

Elephants paint to raise money for their species

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I heard a story about this on National Public Radio's "All Things Considered" yesterday. Here's some information on the project.

These are working elephants, who had been used in Thailand's forestry and construction industry. The use of elephants in these activities has steadily declined over the years, putting both the animals and the people who made their living training and caring for them in jeopardy. Someone came up with an idea to see if elephants would paint. Apparently only about one in four elephants care to. Whether what they produce is really art or not is subject to much debate.

The website again is:


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From, Aaron Huntsman writes: "For the past year or so I have been working on and off on at creating a website that combines aspects of many past furry projects and serves the needs of both professional and aspiring artists and writers. After much hard work and careful planning, I am proud to announce that this project is a reality, if somewhat unpolished." The website is Emorphica, and while the premise sounds interesting enough, the website is pretty bare right now, other than some bizzare, unrelated-to-furry postings. Maybe it will improve once people start using it?

Furry Mascot Occupational Hazards

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Here's one from left field. New Scientist just posted a news article about the occupational hazards of mascots in furry costume. Apparently some research was done by Johns Hopkins on the subject.

Tiny Jurassic Ancestors Save Their Modern Descendants

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New Scientist had an interesting article on the possible evolution of sharper hearing being due to the small size of ancient mammals. Includes a photograph of a recently unearthed skull that's really amazing to look at. Check it out.

Further Confusion 2002

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Further Confusion has their 2002 website up and running. There's not much there, yet...pre-registration is $30 through an unspecified date, the hotel is once again the Marriot San Mateo, and their Dealer's Tables are still sold out. This was a really fun event when I attended in 2000, and I recommend it.

Server Note

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The webhost that hosts has recently moved a large amount of users off of the specific server that Flayrah is on. According to the admins, this server is now much faster and more stable. This will hopefully eliminate those mid-day MySQL errors that some of you have seen.

TerraCon suspends indefinitely

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This news came the old-fashioned way, as an announcement through snail mail. South Sound Fandom, based in Olympia, Washington, has announced that they have cancelled plans for TerraCon IV, with no current plans to sponsor any future conventions. The announcement cites poor attendance at previous conventions and insufficient income. Their webpage hasn't been updated in some time, but you can get some information about the club here.

More awards announcements

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It must be that time of year. Finalists have been announced for the Mythopoeic Awards and Spectrum Awards. And winners were recently presented with the Harvey Awards and the Aurora Awards.

Click "Read more..." for details and websites.

FC2002 at Baycon

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Ran across this today. FC2002 comes out of its post con hibernation. And this year, I don't have to worry about it. Yay!

New web site for Rivercoon Arts

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David Bliss posted on a.f.f. : "A new and improved web site for Rivercoon Arts has just opened at . Please take a look and let me know how
you like the new format in the PRINTS pages. The old site at
will remain open until the server is shut down at the end of the month."

Cats and Dogs Movie to be released July 4th 2001

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All right so it's a bit early to be buying
tickets and organizing events with your fav friends, but this
movie is worth a quick look. On July 4th of this year, Warner
Brothers will unveil "Cats and Dogs" an
action/adventure comedy. The title leaves little for the
imagination, yes that's right, dogs and cats are the stars of the
show. The plot seems fairly simple, Cats once ruled the ancient
world dating back to Egypt, however the dogs came to power and
brought down the Cat Empire. Since then a war has raged between
the two species, hidden from the typical human view. Oh yes, the
humans are absolutely clueless as to the covert battles being
waged right under their noses. Suddenly a rogue cat named Mr.
(Voice of Sean Hayes) begins stirring up
trouble, when he sets into motion an evil plan that would disable
the dogs of the world and prevent humans from stopping his Kitty
Tyranny! A Group of top canine agents are given the mission
impossible, stop the rogue cat and save the world. This looks like a
must see for furry fans this summer! Unfortunately for the
kitties, the dogs are the heroes in this flick, Sorry pussycats
:) Even so, this film looks like a whole lot of fun for everyone.
For additional info on Cats and Dogs check out the Official
. Cats and Dogs is currently
Unrated, yet we can expect it to be somewhere between G and PG-13.
Special Thanks for Yahoo! Movies for the Bios.

FurBid hit by worm again

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Got this in my email around 1pm 5/21:


This is an administrative message from FurBid:

We had a bit of unexpected down-time yesterday afternoon.
Somehow, the name server on Transform got re-enabled, allowing us to get hit by
the l10n worm again. We had to re-load from Saturday night back-ups, so
unfortunately, any bids placed between 8am and 4:30pm may have been lost.
Please, check any auctions that you have bid on between 5-19-2001 and

My sysadmin swears to me that yes, this time he has removed the vulnerable
server, and it will not be going back on. However, I have started an hourly back-up of FurBid's data files, independant of his bi-daily backup. This should
never happen again.

Anyfur that was affected by this, please e-mail me at
Please include your username, the auction # and category that was/were
affected, plus any other info that would help us re-construct your bid(s).
On behalf of FurBid, I apologize for the frustration this may have caused you
all. -Aatheus

Thank you and please tell a friend about us!



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